I have to agree with bluetoria. I think the reason Ernie loved Ducky was because marriage represented the norm for someone in his position, and it also provide a welcome camoflauge to his real inclinations. Ernie wasn't too sure abt the marriage to begin with as he had to be directed to make the proposal as Marie of Coburg was under the impression that he didn't want to anymore. They may have had fun in the beginning, and possibly shared many common interests, but their relationship turned to one of frustration, and perhaps, even bitterness on Ducky's part. If Missy never had a bad word for him, that is typical of her character, and remember, even though a great majority of the younger members of the family believed it was best for them to divorce and move on, Alexandra was completely opposed to it and blamed Ducky for everything, instead of giving her brother some of the credit where credit is due.