Author Topic: What kind of Tsar would Alexei have been?  (Read 46462 times)

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Offline rachel5a

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What kind of Tsar would Alexei have been?
« on: October 16, 2004, 05:59:21 AM »
what u think, could he be a good tsar? ( I mean tsarevich Alexei Nikolajevich) The problem was:
- his illness
- his education
- his character
As tsar of Russia could be only puppet- just like Nikolaj II :P.............


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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2004, 08:38:58 AM »
Valkiria !

I'd like to compliment you on your wonderful site name "Valkiria" very splendid!  :)
  Why do you think that Nicholas was simply a puppet? I do agree that he may have been a bit weak and indecissive---but a puppet?



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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2004, 11:13:41 AM »
I don't think Alexei would have been an effective Tsar given the political climate, his upbringing, and most importantly his health. He probably would have died very young and he would have been incapable of performing many physical tasks judged important for a Tsar. He looked and was weak. Nicholas was also a terrible Tsar for reasons of weak character and poor education.

Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2004, 11:29:25 AM »
Alexei would have need the Regency appointed by his father until his birthday in 1920 in order to rule. By law, he would have taken his oath at age 16 and then been able to rule in his own right. Nicholas appointed his brother Michael as Regent with Alexandra as Co-Regent. Since Alexandra could not stand to be around anything but yes-men, it is likely that she would have been ousted from the Regency had Nicholas died.

I think Alexei would have made a terrific tsar. Oh, and there is a difference been a minor with a Regency and a puppet government.

Offline rachel5a

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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2004, 11:36:58 AM »
hey rskkiya
Thanks I feel just like ODYN vel VOTAN 's daughter ;) ;) ;)
(and like germanic mitology)

ok about Nikolaj II dont u think he was dominated by his wife, uncles, strange dark powers etc....
educated by Pobiedonoscev was very limited (well it's not new theory)


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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2004, 12:53:34 PM »
A very intriguing speculative question.   My feeling is that while the Tsarevich's spirit was willing his flesh was weak.   He would have had big ideals, combined with a strong will and a good moral upbringing.  But his illness would have kept him from all he had a right to achieve.

Marvelous intentions?  No doubt.  He had seen people suffer, and suffered a lot himself.

Capability to carry them out?  Alas, unless he was surrounded by an altruistic set of ministers, I doubt it.  'A beautiful myth could have been created around this innocent and pure child', as Vasily Shulgin wrote.  But Alexei could just as well have been surrounded until his age of majority, and even afterwards, by less than scrupulous individuals.  Being an autocrat ... or even a constitutional monarch ... would not necessarily have meant that Alexei would have been able to put through effective reforms for the Russian people he served.

He certainly would have been an attractive and charismatic young Tsar, carrying over his boyish charm from one title to another.  At least he had that going for him!

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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2004, 01:13:57 PM »
While their diseases were different, the situation is similar with Alexei's uncle George. He had the intelligence and drive to be a great tsar. I disagree that either required anything more than physical survival and themselves in order to achieve some great things for Russia.


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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2004, 02:40:05 PM »
I don't think Alexei Nikolaievitch would've been a good Tsar.  He was so spoiled as a child because of his constant illness that this may have had a bad effect on how he viewed the Russian people.  I have a feeling he may have been somewhat like his father when it came to ruling: believing that God had given him the right to rule and seeming to not care much for his people, not giving them the right amount of food supplies (which was the reason 'Bloody Sunday' even took place) when they needed it most. The rule of Nikolai II sort of reminds me of Queen Marie Antoinette's ledgendary saying 'let them eat cake.'


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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2004, 03:54:10 PM »
He had a cruel illness... but a compassionate heart.  Months of isolation at a time because of his own suffering.... but a resolve to make up for lost time and a bright, inquisitive mind.  He was not the spoiled six-year-old straight out of Radziwill but a young man that even the Provisional Government had to admit was extremely perceptive and sensitive.

I doubt he would have turned a blind eye to the suffering of the Russian people, particularly since political events stared even him in the face.   He wrote in his diary during captivity:

"I am beginning to see the truth.  At Tsarskoe everyone lied to me...  If I become Tsar no one will dare to lie to me.  I will make things right in this country."  A much sadder echo of the earlier sentiment "When I am Tsar there must be no one poor or unhappy...."

There is no telling just what this young man might have done if he had come to the throne (if his father had yielded him up and risked being separated from him!) but I see no reason not to give this boy the benefit of the doubt.  As it was -- what Russia rejected, it and the whole world did not deserve:  Alexei and all his promise.

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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2004, 04:04:14 PM »
I don't think Alexei was spoiled in a way that negatively affected his character. He was certainly coddled by his mother and doted on by his sisters, but this doesn't seem to have ruined his character or made him insensitive. He may have even been more sensitive to the problems of others due to his own painful illness. Of course it's impossible to really tell anything since he died while still so young and with years for his character to still develop.
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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2004, 10:21:34 PM »
Alexei would make a good ruler. Even tho Alexei was a brat as a child, but became a sweet young man.

Alexei was "Tsar Alexei 2nd" for a few hours or so [not really sure].

If Alexei was Tsar. Lenin hated the family and He was in power and wanted them out of power. Lenin didn't care about Alexei was a young man.

Alexei was too frail and be taking away. The people at the time HATED Nicholas and his family. so my guess is That  if Alexei was tsar, He'll be put to death eariler. then with his family a year later. :'(


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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2004, 07:39:47 AM »
I don't think Alexei was spoiled in a way that negatively affected his character. He was certainly coddled by his mother and doted on by his sisters, but this doesn't seem to have ruined his character or made him insensitive.

I think that Alexei's spoiling did affect him negatively and caused him to be rather insensitive at times, especially in his younger years. There is an instance described in The Fate of the Romanovs where an eyewitness who lived near Livadia described how the heir “liked to greet people who bowed to him with a bloody nose by hitting them in the face as they bowed,” and when he was not allowed to do that, he greeted them with “very bad language” instead.

Firstly, I cannot fault Alexei for this behavior, because what else would you expect from a child who felt so exalted and indulged from his earliest years, and who was rarely punished or disciplined. Secondly, and fortunately, I know that he eventually outgrew this bad behavior and empathized more with people as he matured and as his own sufferings increased.

He also began to display quite a firm little character which showed promise that perhaps he would have had a stronger personality than his father. However, it really is impossible to tell what would have happened with him, given his physical limitations. I think he would have had to have a very strong character indeed to make people really respect him and not think of him as an invalid.

Offline Merrique

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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2004, 03:14:09 PM »
I think Alexei had a lot of potential.I think he could have been a really good and effective tsar.
True has was a spoiled little snit when he was little,but he seemed to outgrow that.I think all the pain and suffering he went through opened his eyes to the world around him.I think if he had become tsar they would have opened even wider.Alexei seemed to have a much stronger character than his father,and I think that would have increased the older and more mature he got.
It does become an interesting "what if" game.What could this handsome little boy have accomplished had he lived and was able to take the throne.
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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2004, 03:29:49 PM »
I would not judge a book by it's cover. Although he was weak physically because of his disease he probably would have had a better reign than his father's confusing one. By the way do you think Princess Ingrid of Sweden would have made a good potential wife for Alexei?


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Re: Alexei and Being the Tsar
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2005, 09:09:23 PM »
what u think, could he be a good tsar? ( I mean tsarevich Alexei Nikolajevich) The problem was:
- his illness
- his education
- his character
As tsar of Russia could be only puppet- just like Nikolaj II :P.............

What do you mean by his education? i don't realy know much about him and his schooling, so was he like not smart or something? :-/
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by AlexeiLVR »