Author Topic: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.  (Read 25937 times)

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Offline EmmyLee

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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2008, 01:52:18 PM »
Sophie Buxhoevedon's story about Joy (that Annie posted) is so sad. I think the image of Joy "always looking for his master, and this had made him so sad and dejected that he would scarcely touch his food even when he was lovingly cared for" is heartwrenching for anyone who loves animals, especially dogs. To me, it especially seems to make one realize the shock anyone close to the family would have felt at learning for the first time of their murder.

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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2008, 03:49:12 PM »
EmmyLee, good verdict-I agree with you.  :)
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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2008, 09:47:42 PM »
Is it true that Anastasia took Jemmy into the room with her? Recently, I heard that was just a rumor. Also, why didn't Aleksey bring Joy with him? I mean, it's good he didn't. At least someone survived, even if it was a dog. The Romanovs were woken up in the middle of the night, and told to get dressed. That usually means you're going somewhere. Why wouldn't Aleksey bring Joy with him?

Another thing, why was Joy half blind? Maybe instead of killing her, someone kicked her in the face or something?  :-\

Yes, Anastasia was carrying Jemmy in her arms while she and the family were led down to the basement. Of course, Aleksei was being carried by his father and I can only suppose they thought Joy was following them.

In all the accounts I've read about the execution, none of the three dogs are ever mentioned as being brought down into the basement.  Nor is Aanastasia holding Jemmy accounted for in any descriptions of the eecutions themselves.  In fact, in "Fate of the Romanovs" it is specifically pointed out that the dogs were left upstairs.  The family was told they were being taken to a safer place due to disturbances in the town; given that they didn't bring bring any luggage, I speculate they knew they were going to the basement or some other place temporarily, and so thought they would return to their dogs shortly (OR, they knew this was the end).  Ortina apparently was killed while the bodies were being removed from the basement; a guard saw him and bayonetted the dog before throwing him into the back of the Fiat.  It would seem Jemmy, as well as Joy, survived the night.  The fact that his body wasn't discovered during the first investigation, but only much later, can lead circumstantially that Jemmy lived, was found, then "sacrificed" for political reasons.

Offline CorisCapnSkip

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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2008, 03:28:13 AM »
They didn't know it was the end until the order was read.  This was such a shock the Tzar asked that it be repeated.

Offline nena

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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2008, 04:37:36 AM »
Now I don't understand...Ortino was killed, Joy also, and Jemmy. ?
What is true? I read Joy survived, Jemmy was killed with Anastasia.---and found in 1919 by Sokolov.
For Ortino I don't know.
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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2008, 05:48:07 PM »
I always thought that Ortino died before...but I don't know for sure.


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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2008, 05:49:51 PM »
i dont know for sure what happend with ortino either.
i heared he went to ekatarinberg with tatiana but what happend there with him stay's a mystery for me


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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2008, 09:15:57 PM »
The only dog that is proven to have survived the execution is Joy, who was rescued by the Whites and spent the remainder of his life in England.

It is speculated that Ortino was stabbed by an executioner after she was found upstairs barking.

Somehow, a the body of a dog that Mr. Gibbes (or was it Gilliard?) identified as Jemmy wound up at the bottom of a mineshaft. However, the dog's decomposition rate didn't match up to that of how it should've been had Jemmy died the night of the murders.

 That is all we know to this point regarding the two dogs' fate as far as I know.


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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2008, 11:22:13 AM »
Good day! Sorry, I don't speak English. About dogs write in russian:   I from Peterburg, Tsarskoe Selo. Main name is Victoria (in russiandog forum - Kusado).

Offline AGRBear

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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2008, 11:27:05 AM »
I don't believe  dog bones were found in the mass grave.

Some bones,  chicken,  if I remember correctly, were found where some of the buriel crew ate by the Four Brothers Mine.  This site was carefully excavated by the Whites  before Sokolov became the man in charge of the investigation under Gen. Diterikhs.  It wasn't until July of 1919  Solovev  claim they found the dog named Jemmy's body at the bottom of the shaft which he claimed proved the dog and the royal family were murdered in the early morning of the 17th of July 1918.  Scientists have proven that the dogs body was  planted, therefore,  if it was Jemmy, he was killed around the latter part of June 1919.  Gilliard was the one who claimed the dog was Jemmy.

No dog bones have been reported to have been found in the two pits discovered July 2007.


« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 11:35:42 AM by AGRBear »
"What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight."

Joubert, Pensees, No. 152


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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2008, 01:56:23 PM »
Want you photo dead dog?


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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #41 on: September 13, 2008, 09:46:47 PM »
AGRbear - No, I don't believe any canine remains were in the grave either. I'm not sure if the dog found by Soloviev is indeed Jemmy; I'm merely repeating what I've learned through this forum.

Victory_L - I have seen the photo, it's very sad to see that poor dog. After loosing my own dog I haven't been able to look at it again.


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Re: The fact his dog survived and not Alexei is so weird.
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2008, 12:06:06 PM »
AGRbear - No, I don't believe any canine remains were in the grave either. I'm not sure if the dog found by Soloviev is indeed Jemmy; I'm merely repeating what I've learned through this forum.

Victory_L - I have seen the photo, it's very sad to see that poor dog. After loosing my own dog I haven't been able to look at it again.
tatianolishka! My old littly dog( Bessy) also not long ago die. The - it is painful! :-( But  the Truth-is important! Мr. Gibbs  identify this dog (Jimmi), also Tutelberg, Tegleva and Ersberg. N.Sokolov: "Труп собаки самки.

Собака была найдена 25 июня 1919 года на дне открытой шахты. Благодаря низкой температуре в шахте труп хорошо сохранился.

Правая передняя лапа сломана. Череп пробит, отчего, по заключению врача, и произошла ее смерть.

Гиббс показал: “У Анастасии Николаевны была маленькая собачка  с длинной шерстью. Окрас ее был черно-рыжий... Ее отличительные приметы были вот какие: у нее были большие круглые глаза; зубы ее были обнажены и постоянно виднелись, язык у нее был длинный и висел изо рта, не помню, на какую сторону. Кличка ее была Джемми. Такие собачки — очень маленькие, и их часто носят на руках. Принадлежала она Анастасии Николаевне, любили эту собачку они все, а в особенности Императрица. Я сегодня видел собачку у шахты. Я утверждаю, что эта собачка, которую я видел у шахты, и есть Джемми. Я обратил внимание и на ее шерсть, и на форму глазных впадин, и на зубы. Это безусловно она”.

Тутельберг, Теглева и Эрсберг также опознали ее.
Why  we  doubt  over 90 year?