Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Danish Royal Family
Danish royal jewels
Royal Jewelry is the subject I always have a fascination. Glad I got a book on the Danish jewels too.
Archduchess Zelia:
--- Quote from: Eric_Lowe on December 28, 2011, 07:53:08 PM ---Indeed. More should have been made about other royal houses.
--- End quote ---
I couldn't agree more, Anna von Lowzow - the maker of the documentaries - makes amazing documentaries about royals (mainly about the DRF). These two programs have been a great success though and have been sold to other countries too, so maybe it'll encourage her to do more.
It would be good news to all of us if she decided to do more. ;)
Any idea if this series will be on DVD ?
They will announce it when it does come into the market. I imagine it will...
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