“Where there any photos of the IF taken in Ekaterinburg ?” Good question! There could even have been some taken by some members of the Family. Here are some interesting items I found in first investigator Nametkin’s “Inventory of Romanov Possessions in Ekaterinburg” (FOTR, Appendix 2), objects which were found in late July/early August 1918 :
- in the stoves of the Popov House (across Voznesensky Lane): 3 cartridges of Kodak film…
- in the possession of former guard Letemin: along with the Tsarevich’s diary, such objects as a camera, a box with 16 glass negative plates, a box with 17 glass negative plates…
Which leaves me wondering: had the cartridges of film been burned? if so beyond salvation? Was the camera empty? What was on the glass negative plates (maybe from the Tsarevich’s Magic Lantern, maybe not…) What happened to all the objects found by Nametkin?. Where they handed over to later investigators Sergeev and Sokolov? If so, what happened to them?