In "Le tsarèvitch" it says that the letter that reaches Tobolsk on 24 april/7 may is indeed Maria's one, the one written on 19 april/2 may and reported in the book on pagg 265-266. So THIS is the letter of Monday after Easter.
BUT, it talks about ANOTHER letter, but arrived a week before (so the Monday following Palm Sunday) written indeed by Alexandra. We don't have the text because, as the book says, it has been lost, but memories told usa about it.
From "Le tsarevich" pag 259
ce meme lundi kobylinski reçoit une lettre de maman destinèe aux enfantsavec une description plus penible encore du voyage (...)
Cette lettre n'est pas parvenue jus'à nous et c'est grand dommage (...)That is:
"That same Monday, K. receives a lettre from Mama for the children, with an even awful description of the jourbey (here it isa sid what Alix wrote)
This letter has never arrived to us, and this is a great pity.So it seems a bit more clear now!