Author Topic: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth  (Read 203365 times)

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Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« on: June 15, 2004, 09:08:21 AM »
soon it will be the 100th birthday of the tsarevich, i hope people will remember him on that day ;D


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2004, 05:56:17 PM »
I will DEFINANTLY remember!! He is my favorite Romanov and I, too,  hope a lot of people remember him on that day.  :) ;)


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2004, 08:39:31 PM »
 :D  The hundredth anniversary of the Tsesarevich-Martyr's birth is a special day indeed.   On there are a number of materials having to do with that occasion -- I noted the commemorative medals that have been created, a nice emblem, and an official proclamation (all in Russian).  But how I wish the Patriarchate or Sofrino or our Synod would make little icons (to wear on a chain) of St. Alexei in honor of his birthday!   I suspect very few people would be awarded medals.

I almost suspect that his hundredth NAME-DAY (October 5th/18th) is going to be a big occasion too.  Ypa! Ypa! Ypa!
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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2004, 09:15:50 PM »
A couple of links:

First to see the medals, here is:

It begins with the medal I like the best of the five, the one most like an icon.  I still wish there were little neck-icons, though, which I don't think there are going to be unless someone else makes them.  

Even last year for the Tsesarevich's 99th birthday an Orthodox service was held at Peterhof (where the Alexei statue is).  The St. Petersburg Times-Online ran a picture from the observance:

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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2004, 01:55:24 PM »
What a truly wonderful occasion to celebrate. This is my first post here, today I just discovered this place, I'm so happy a lot of people like Aleksey as much as I do hehe. I have a special wallpaper I have made ages ago, I plan on making another very special one just for this occasion, with text that says something about the 100th birthday.

Such a sweet child. Happy birthday, dear! hehe I'm sure he's be watching over all of us.
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2004, 02:25:37 PM »
What a truly wonderful occasion to celebrate. This is my first post here, today I just discovered this place, I'm so happy a lot of people like Aleksey as much as I do hehe. I have a special wallpaper I have made ages ago, I plan on making another very special one just for this occasion, with text that says something about the 100th birthday.

Such a sweet child. Happy birthday, dear! hehe I'm sure he's be watching over all of us.

I have to agree.  Alexei's 100th birthday is a special day.  He's my favourite as well, and I think it's great that people still remember.  He was a very happy and cheerfull child, and according to those who knew him, he possesed a great personal charm.  He dealt with his illness in the most admirable way, and lived life to the fullest (when possible of course).  I'm sure he's touched by the fact that so many people remember him.  


P.S.  Welcome!!!!! ;D  


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2004, 02:49:55 PM »
 :)  Slava Cb. Muchenika Tsesarevicha Alyoshka!  Today it cheers me up to see how many people are thinking of him.   A hearty welcome to our new poster.    :D

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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2004, 04:04:03 PM »
Aww thanks for the welcome. I'm so overwhelmed here at this board I don't know where to start! It took ages just to find a proper signature quote! LOL I had so many ideas, but I decided for once NOT to use something to do with figure skating LOL.

I'm a huge skating fan and a huge Romanov admirer as well, with great interest in the personal lives of the family, especially Aleksey of course. As I recall he was good at making up all sorts of games, and had a bit of an imp in him LOL. I fondly recall the first time I read about the strawberry incident HAHA and my mouth dropped open when my friend Lanie told me about the Japanese princess's visit!

Well, I'll be around! Thanks again for the welcome! You definitely haven't heard the last of me!

Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2004, 04:09:28 PM »
Dear Angie -

What was the story about the Japanese princess's visit?  That's one I have not heard before....

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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2004, 05:03:51 PM »
Well, Lanie told me that sometime, the Japanese royal family visited Russia, and Aleksey met the princess and they were outside, and he told her to sit in the mud, and she didn't, and he said I'm the Tzarevich, you have to do what I say, and I order you to sit in the mud. He said something to that affect. Poor girl did it! Lanie said she cried. What a scoundrel he was haha!

I can't give any dates or anything cause I heard it so long ago but I will ask her today if I see her online to give me more info haha.
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2004, 05:15:41 PM »
Dear Angie,
    LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!  THAT is an extremely funny story!!!!!  Thank you for sharing it.  I also heard a story of when Alexei, aged about four, walked into his father's study and saw one of the ministers sitting down.  Alexei got upset that the man didn't get up, and basically yelled that when the Heir to the Throne enters the room one must be standing.  The source of that story is  Nicholas And Alexandra by Robert K. Massie.  Hope you liked it.


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2004, 06:07:53 PM »
LOL LOL LOL omg that's funny!!!

Seems like we like to think he's ordinary but he himself liked to think he was above the rest LOL you know what I mean? Even while they were in Tobolsk, poor kid was still talking about when he would be Tzar. Sigh...
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2004, 07:40:50 PM »
I am reminded of a story of the Tsarevich and his cousin Princess Vera Konstantinova; one that she remembered and told to others.  Please forgive my poor paraphrase:

Once little Alexei and his cousin Vera were riding in a carriage during that time of year when the snow is starting to melt outside.  Both were dressed in warm clothing: 'Alexei was all in white.'   He noticed a big puddle as they were riding along past the 'Salon of Music', and, being the Tsarevich....  he ordered the carriage to stop.  Surely to him it suggested fun...  the type of fun he could not have himself.   He gave a simple command that his cousin jump into the puddle:  'Vera, tuda!'  ('Vera, in there!')  The little Princess got wet, and she got into trouble instead of Alexei.

When telling this story Her Highness was said to say:  'Of course I had to obey him.... but it was fun!'  

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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2004, 07:50:13 PM »
Haha! that is so like him I think! Ahh, what a perfect way to remember the Naslednik than to think of all these funny stories!
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Commemoration of Anniversary of Birth
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2004, 10:10:44 PM »
Very well said Angie and Elizabeth!  It does seem very characteristic of him to act in such fashion.  However, as he got older, he began to dislike all the attention bstowed upon him because of his title.  All he wanted was to be treated like a normal boy.  He used his rank only with those who were outside of the household/immidiate family, and if I'm not mistaken while he was still quiet young.  

In regards to him talking about being a Tsar in Tobolsk, I haven't read enough to attest or despute the fact.  All I know from reading is that he took the news of his father's abdication pretty well (at least while Gilliard was in the room explaining the situation), and didn't mention or ask anything about his rights as an Heir (Naslednik).  After Gilliard left the room however, he said he heard the boy weep.  It must have been rather hard (to say the least) to go from being the Tsesarevich to being a nobody, and to watch your whole world break down before your eyes, slowly but surely.  :(

On a cheerfull note, another Alexei story.  I apologize if my paraphrasing is rather poor.  Dr Botkin's wife was going home after being presented to the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna (a.k.a. Alix), and she met Alexei in the hallway.  She bowed, and greeted him with a "Good day Your Imperial Highness".  Instead of being polite and returning the greeting, the four-year-old Alexei simply turned away with indignation.  Dr. Botkin's wife was extremily upset by this, and when she related the story to her husband, he laughed and said that she "offended" His Imperial Highness by speaking to him without being spoken to by him first!   ;D

Sources:  A Lifelong Passion and Robert K. Massie's Nicholas And Alexandra.  
