I'm just over halfway through this YA fantasy with a Romanov connection and enjoying it more than I expected to:
THE FETCHby Laura Whitcomb
If you're a nitpicker, steer clear. This is very much a fantasy, albeit minus any orange laser beams shooting from Olga's eyes. ;-) However, the plot and premise are rather clever in the way they address a number of prominent Romanov/Rasputin mysteries. In spite of the flubs my internal Romanov-meter is racking up, I'm curious to see how everything gets wrapped up in the end.
If you like an interesting yarn, check it out at the library or have a skim next time you're in a bookstore. It's certainly not going to appeal to all Romanovphiles, but I think some of you might enjoy the ride. Read the first chapter
here and see what you think.