Book I got in St. Pete last week: Российская Империя в Фотографиях (Russian Empire in Photographs), contained a bunch of photos I personally haven't seen before, and I lurk on all the photo sections on this forum. So I hope some are new to you, too. I apologize if they aren't.
Mikhail Alexandrovich and Olga Alexandrovna, Spala, 1894:

Imperial Family, Steamer in Yaroslavl during Romanov Tercentenary, 21 May 1913:

Imperial Family, railway station, 1903:

A new personal favourite of mine, Nicholas II, Tatiana(?) and Maria, walking in Finland, 1913:

I think Anastasia, Maria, and Tatiana, with Olga behind Alix, Nicholas II, and Alexey held by a sailor-tutor, on the Shtandart, Finland, 1906:

Same time and place, Alexey with sailor boys:

So cute, Alexey tasting a dish on the Shtandart, Finland, 1912:

Another new favourite of mine, if only Maria and Alexey were there too! Nicholas II with three of his girls. Admiral K. Nilov also in photo, Finland, 1912:

Well I hope you enjoyed! If some people think these are rare, I'll scan some more I haven't seen that I found in the book. But maybe they're only rare to me?
If anyone wants a bigger version of any of these, let me know.