On several threads this subject about Marie and her soldier has been discussed. In fact, I was jumped on because I suggested:
Let me throw this theory out to Jeremy: What if Marie and her soldier friend left and did not return on the day of her birthday? From what I understand from the other threads, Marie had felt rejected by her family and the others. And, she had a good relationship with the guards. Perhaps it was the five guards whose bodies were later discovered by the Four Brother's Mine, who had helped Marie and the soldier escape... The rest of the family was executed to prevent any more rescues. Since they had Anatasia, Yurovsky could have sent out words that she was the one missing. If any questions were raised by local CHEKAs or Moscow, he could say, the rumors were false because he had Anatasia and could prove it. Which he could, if it was Marie who had gone missing.
I was told that Marie was absolutely in the Ipatiev House after her birthday because she was mentioned in her mother's diary several times on different days following and up to the 15th or 16th, I think it was.
On her birthday: If Marie and her soldier friend left the grounds for a few hours or not, this disapearence, or a few stolen kisses in the basement, set all the wrong things into action. Yurovsky took over and discovery of a rescue plot changed everything for all eleven prisioners in the Ipatiev House.
Marie's solider, Ivan, was sent away/arrested and never seen again.
Marie's reactions: One can only imagine how Marie must have felt. I can assume that she felt horrible in many ways. She had not only lost her boyfriend, he probably had been sent to the Western Front or worst, in prision or dead, because of a few stolen kisses. She was being treated miserably by her sisters, brother and parents for having changed everything. I can almost see her hurt feelings turned to anger. And, she wanted to get away from all of it.
It seems if any of the Romanov daughters were resued by a Red soldier it would have been Marie on the night [after 10:00 pm, Alexandra's last entry in diary was at this time slot] of 16 July 1918.
Edited #2 -changed a few sentences