I find it interesting Yurovsky has gone through more religions than a Hollywood movie star.
I think it was only two: Judaism and Lutheran. No Scientology involved ;-)
The record for conversions may go to a guy I know who was in my son's class at school. This boy is 20, and since he was 14 has been:
Raised a combination Unitarian/Catholic
age 14 Athiest
age 15 Satanist
age 16Devout Catholic considering the priesthood as a career
age 18 Muslim who got the first lines of the Koran tatooed on his chest
and is currently a Taoist (age 20)
If he came here and read this forum, he might just get interested in Orthodoxy. Or go Lutheran or turn to Judaism. Once he got the tatoo, I predicted he'd change again, and I was right. I don't think he's finished, either. His search for the truth may be almost as slippery a road as Bear's