...[in part]... YOU yourself accuse Yurovsky about lying about EVERYTHING, remember?? shall I pull up all your posts where you question his accuracy at every turn?? Suddenly NOW he's telling the truth. Am tired of your baiting people for the sake of baiting and not for genuine discussion.
I did not say that I thought Yurovsky was telling the truth or lying in his unpublished memoirs.
...[in part]...
I don't know enough to have an opinion, yet.
...[in part].... If he was Russian Orthodox then Yurovsky's didn't lie in his memoirs about his early life. If his records are in the Jewish records, then Yurovsky did lie in his memoirs. ....
So, I have suggested someone go and find his birth records in Tomsk or Omsk or whereever Yurovsky was born.
And, you're right, I have been lerry of Yurovsky's various statements long before my first post on this forum to this one. And, I see no problem in asking as many questions as I can to discover through other sources, how much Yurovsky has told us is true, part true, misleading, misinformation and just plain lies. Afterall, his testimonies (published and unpublished) are very important in discovering what occurred that eventful night of 16/17 July 1918 when history records Nicholas II, his family and the others were executed.
So, if you tell me that Yurovsky's birth record tells us that he was Jewish, then apparently he was lying in his unpublished memoirs, if indeed that is what he wrote.
I'll have to let you and others find and translate the original to satisfy yourselves about the accuracy of King and Wilson's translation, because I'm not in a position to do it myself.
Remember, I don't care where the truth takes me, I'm just enjoying the journey.