It took me about 1 year to find the right perfume, I was about 16 and searched, tried differents things, I wear Anaïs Anaïs, but was not very satisfied, wear Eau de Givenchy, Ireally liked it, but it was not the best effect with my type of skin. Differents things, like Paris (Yves Saint Laurent), great, but too heavy. Then I found Tocade, de Rochas, and never let it from this time. This fragrance is like a second "I", and some people who did not saw me for the last 1 years recognize me from far thanks to "Tocade"

I have also "Eau de rose" by L'Occitane, for fresh mornings or when I need some good fragrance in the Moscow undergound. And "Nina" byt Nina Ricci for more gorgeous effect.
But my really favorite fragrance, even if I can not buy it, is "Eau de Charlotte" by Annick Goutal. A precious discret one, like a bounch of sweet violet in april.