I'd have to say that I see a great deal of Alix in Olga, but a rounder face than her mother, a bit like her paternal grandfather. Tatiana, I see as a mix of the two families, with a bit of each parent and grandparents. Maria, I see as looking a GREAT deal like her paternal grandfather, with her father's blue eyes. Anastasia, I see looking the most like Alix, and unlike most people, it seems, I see her as being as beautiful as her sisters. Her features are so fine, and when she's not making faces for the camera, she's astonishingly lovely. In Alexei, I see huge amounts of the Hessian side, though more Ludwig than Alix. I certainly agree that all five had their own unique beauty, but each was absolutely staggering. Tatiana was probably the least photogenic, but when you catch her in a good portrait, she catches the breath. I find her the most beautiful Grand Duchess, but it's really subjective, and without the opportunity to see them in real-life, I don't think we can really fairly judge.
For example, I get stopped all the time to be told, 'You have the most gorgeous hair/eyes/skin I've ever seen!' and my husband was once told on a night out, when we were both dressed quite nicely, that I should go into modelling. (With this body? *snickers* Right, THAT'S going to happen...) I don't, however, photograph well at all. The few I've posted are veritable phenomena, I assure you. Also, I've read repeatedly that Ella's beauty was never really captured by a camera, that it had to be seen in person. Such is frequently the case. When all we have is photographs, the fact that we can judge all the girls as beauties really says something to what their looks must have been in person...I'm glad I never had to stand next to them, I'll say that much. lol