Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Re: Tatiana resembles Alix?

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I remember remarks about how Alexei's eyes were 'great, grey-blue eyes like his mother's', and in one of the last pictures of him and Tatiana together those two definitely look alike.  Didn't they have the same coloring as Alexandra Feodorovna?

I agree that Olga favours her father's side of the family, and depending on the picture so does Tatiana. There are some pictures of Tatiana where she resembles Irene Alexandrovena. I've been looking in Peter Kurth's book, and will continue pouring over the pictures to try to figure out who Maria and Anastasia resemble.

Alexei is absolutely his mother's son.


I personally think that Olga looks like Nicky, Tatiana like Alix, Marie like Nicky, and Anastasia like Nicky. That is just my opinion though. I do think that Alexei looks just like his mother though, which is kind of cute. Sumtimes it's just hard to tell who looks like who cause the childrens looks change drastically as they grow. I guess it's almost impossible to say who looked like who...


I think Tatiana resemled her mother more than her father, just like Anastasia. Tatiana was tall and slender and carried herself superbly just like her mother. She had aubrun hair and her fine features resemled those of Alix. She was also extremely interested in clothes and mode. What a pity the girls were always dressed identically, even when they were quite grown-up! If they had have a possibility to develope their own taste and style, they would not have looked like some "Dionne Quints" (as four!)

Anastasia and Tatiana had lots of common in their looks, although Anastasia was short and tended to be little fat in her teens and liked to "make faces". Olga and Maria looked quite a lot like each other with their charming smiles. Maria's large eyes make her very easy to recognize. In many books of the family the photo textes seem to have confusion which of the girls are there - especially with Olga/Maria and sometimes even Tatiana/Anastasia and Tatiana/Olga!

Janet Whitcomb:
The photos showing all five children bald after their bout with measles is a good challenge for OTMAA experts . . . identification is not easy unless you have specific memory of the differences in their eyes, their mouth formations and the shapes of their heads!


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