Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Tatiana's regiment

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Does anyone know when Tatiana got her regiment?  I recall reading that Olga's was given on her nameday (July 11) in 1910 at fifteen.  So would Tatiana have gotten hers in 1912 on her nameday, which I believe was in January?

Here is a letter of Tatiaa for her cusine Louise de Montbatten:

"Tsarskoe Selo.

1910 17/30 Jan. Monday.

My darling Louise [of Battenburg, aka Mountbatten, our cousin and daughter of Mama's older sister Victoria],

I thank you many times for the letter. I was very pleased to get it. Tell your Mama and Papa that my Papa for my namesday gave me the regiment which before commanded your Grandfather Uncle Alexander, the 8 Lancer Wosnecenski. I do not know how to write the name as it is difficult from the Russian. I am so delighted I have got my own regiment. Olga also got when she was as old as I the hussar regiment, so now we both have one.

How are you, dear? You said that you hoped that none of us would get chicken pox, but of course I got it from Anastasia which is a great bore.

From the 2nd Jan. Alexei and I went to bed and lay till the 12th. I got up just for my namesday. Then in between Anastasia lay and also had influenza but the whole time we were all together. Baby is lying till now. Marie is also in bed, only Olga, Mama and Papa were not lying till now.

On the 6th Jan. just before our lessons began Olga went to Petersburg in the evening to the theatre, and came back very late and had to lie in the stupid bed. Better in any case do not show to anyone this letter, perhaps it is dangerous as I have got still chicken pox. Mama is now a little better but it makes her tired running every day three times a day upstairs to us whilst we were all in bed. How is your Mama, Papa and all?

Tell Nona [Kerr, Aunt Victoria's lady-in-waiting] I am awfully sorry I did not thank her for the letter which she sent me with the socks but each time I began I tore it up as I did not like it. I want to see you awfully, Louise darling.

Now good bye, my dearest Louisechen. Much love and kisses to you all from your ever loving cousin,


P.S. Love to Clayden [Louise's own maid]."

I have a question i've been wanting to ask, but had no one to ask until now!
What was the point of a regiment besides the pomp and ceremony?
Did they act as hussars to protect the Imperial Family?
I know surely they weren't the ones to go off the war! ::)
I feel dumb asking this, but I was just curious.

what was her regiment btw?
selina           xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The 8th Voznesensky Lancer (=Uhlan) Regiment


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