Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna
Tatiana's regiment
--- Quote ---The 8th Voznesensky Lancer (=Uhlan) Regiment
--- End quote ---
(to furngully)
What she said! lol.
--- Quote ---what was her regiment btw?
selina xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
--- End quote ---
i have a question for you ferngully..for your avatar/icon, who's eye is that? i reconzie it sort of...it reminds me of Geri halliwell(Ginger Spice) or Vitamin C! ??? 8)
Here's for people who dont know what im talking about! ;)
thanks for the info, and my pic was given to me by a friend, i'm not sure who it might be, but it's just a bit random really!
selina xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So I was looking at pictures of Tatiana in her uniform, then comparing to the actual in-color uniform and thinking that it CAN'T be right. I know it is, but I'd always thought that yellow of any hue turned white/light gray when converted to black and white. In pics of Tatiana, you can barely tell that there is a change of color there.... and the yellow part is darker than the blue part! It's just very strange to me. It's like when I found out that the bottom of Olga's uniform was brick red while the top was sky blue. Never saw it coming. Sorry, I'm done being confused (for the time being) :)
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