It may be added that there are several shades in the brindle coat for french bulldogs : dark brindle, light brindle, silver brindle, golden brindle etc...and most of the brindle french bulldogs have that white patch on the chest which I do not particularly like. Judging from the different photos available of Ortino, I would say she was the " usual brindle " bitch, mostly black with some fawn hait here and there and a small white patch on the front chest. She had extremly good straight BAT EARS, not the " ten to two " position of the ears which is sadly so common nowadays with this breed of dogs.
Speaking about french bulldogs, maybe some one could help me please : I am trying to find out information about the french bulldog puppy that appears on several photos taken during the last stay of the IF in Hesse-Darmstadt, Wolfgarten, in the autumn of 1910. The dog appears on a family gathering photo, sitting on AF 's laps, and also with Alexis alone or with Alexis and his 2 Hessian cousins. I believe this was a private stay, due to AF more and more declining health and needing a cure. On the internet, I found out that Mr Greg King wrote an article on this particular stay of 1910, in a magazine named " ATLANTIS " but i think that the magazine is no longer published and that the issue with this particular article no longer available. I guess there might be some information about these photos ( already posted in different threads on this site ) with the french bulldog puppy in this article by Mr Greg King, so if anyone would be kind enough to let me know where and how the article or the magazine may be found and purchased, that would be of a great help and very much appreciated. Thanks.