Grandduchess, I would first have a look on the site of the French Bulldog of America where yoiu will find a certain number of information, including links to regional clubs. If you do not know this breed of dogs, look for a book about french bulldogs. Muriel Lee wrote several books about frenchies which are available on amazon, type Muriel Lee+french bulldogs on google. Over here in France, the price of a french bulldog ( I am talking about a pet dog and NOT a show dog ) varies between 1200 to 1600 Euros, which is expensive. I do not know the cost for a french bulldog in the USA, but they are not " cheap ". So be very careful and always ask for seeing both parents of the puppy, AT LEAST the mother. Look at the puppies' nostrils, they must be wide open and the puppy must breathe well ( never take a puppy with narrow nostrils ). Do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions.