Still retaining my interest (among other topics) relative to Leonid I. Sednev, I wish to come "up-to-date" on two points re the subject:
!.) Someone apparently relatively recently, has posted on "Wikipedia," a brief and somewhat curious biography of the so-called "Kitchen Boy." While the usual salient (and sometimes disputed) points are quickly re-hashed, a stand-out error occurs: " He served with his father, Ivan Dimitryevich Sednev, a child lackey."
The "Ivan Dimitriyevich Sednev, a child lackey" to whom this article refers was Leonid's UNCLE. His particular charge was to accompany the grandduchesses, as K. Nargony did for the Heir. As is well-known, for their work/association with the Imperial Family, both K. Nargony and I. Sednev lost their lives. Those interested may read back through this thread for more.
2.) As some of you know, it was my intention to again make another enjoyable trip to Russia in September, including Leonid's native oblast. I had hoped that my son (fluent in Russian, MUCH moreso than I) would be able to accompany me. However, he has just accepted a more rewarding (and enjoyable, according to him!) change in his occupational field, thus understandably cannot take a few weeks' leave to travel. We will look forward to replanning, in due time after he has gained experience.
From time to time, I will still peruse sources for new information, but at this point they remain "thin", to the point of non-existence!
Regards, AP.