Lanie, very nice . . . almost startling! (Something of the same feeling I had when I visited Russia and, after years of looking at black-and-white photos, was now
amazed that everything around me was in color!)

Most of us, I think, have known (or known of) "Tatianas" who, by virtue of their height, slender build, poise and attitude, convey a beauty going beyond their basic physical attractiveness. (For me this would include Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Katharine Hepburn, and Princess Diana.) This type of woman is a perfect "clothes horse" who would conceivably look attractive in anything, sackcloth included!
Tatiana's features may not be as classically pretty as Marie's, but still she has "that special something"--if I knew how to spell the French phrase, I would!--that denotes elegance, grace and style. Or, as I remember Sophia Loren's features once being described . . . feature by feature, everything seems wrong, but taken as a whole, it adds up to an incredibly intriguing face!