What's interesting to me is that most Russian people (living in Russia) don't seem to have as strong feelings of hate towards Lenin as those who are either not Russian or Russian but living abroad. They sort of take the whole thing in stride and approach it with a sense of humor even. For example, there are many jokes that Russian people tell to each other having to do with Lenin et al, and with the Soviet era leaders. For another example, you often see cartoons/comics or things like this:

- in the Red Square and everyone thinks it's hilarious. Very few people in Russia go around saying "we hate Lenin", at least I never heard anyone say that, and I have spoken to many many Russian people in Russia. They honestly don't seem to blame Lenin, at least not him alone. IMHO, to blame Lenin alone, or any other person, would be completely oversimplfying the whole thing... Many are to blame, no one is solely responsible. Not to say they are not responsible at all, but the way people try to make it sound, Lenin as a "devil incarnate" himself! Come on. ..
I know that some of the things that happened are nothing to laugh about, but in a way I think it is more healthy to have a sense of humor about it, and even a certain pragmatism, than incubating such hatred about something that cannot be changed at this point. Why not look forward, without forgetting what happened and trying to make sure nothing like this ever happens again?
Anyway, this is my very own opinion being expressed, so please don't get upset if you think differently!