Don't worry Demushka. Feel what you wants to think about Alix. Nobody needs to explain any feeling.
On the other hand, reasearchers could say what they want : historians have already their politic views and what is good for one, will be bad for another. Facts are not objective. Are only facts. For some kind of historians a conservative is a narrow-minded, awful type of person; for others they are persons with principles and they are right. The same could be said for historians who thinks that progressive persons are wonderful, and for other historians who thinks exactly the opposite. That's freedom after all. Isn't it? If we must all to agree that Alix was a bad,narrow-minded person for some modern researchers said so, is that we doesn't have different points of view, or that we have all the same political, cultural and social ideas, which is boring and intellectually unaceptable.
I like Alix a lot, by my part, and don't like Yussupov as other people does. But they have their right to like him as I have my right to like Alix...Oh, wait...Or maybe I don't have this right, after all?