I've read on several sites that Tatiana became seriously ill in early 1913 from drinking orangeade at a party. As a result she had to have her hair cut short, or shaved. This led to her having to wear a wig for the formal portraits taken during the Tercentenery in March of that year. Does anyone have any information on exactly what she had, or when precisely she fell ill? Thanks.
Although she never mentions typhoid specifically by name, nor the orangeade that allegedly caused it, Olga's 1913 diary pinpoints some of the details of Tatiana's illness:
22 February: "poor Tatiana is in bed with fever"
23-28 February: various notes on Tatiana's temperature and headache. The highest temp was 39.7 on 27 Feb.
1 March: "Tatiana's temperature was 38.1 in the morning, in the afternoon 37.8, 38.6 in the evening. She is feeling better."
5 March: "Sat with her [Olga A] and Mama in T[atiana]'s room, who had her hair cut short. In the morning: 38.9, 39.1, after bath - 39."
13 March: "Tatiana's temperature is normal."
19 March: "T[atiana] was lying on the couch and walked around a little."
21 March: "T[atiana] came down for the first time today."
23 March: "T[atiana] was downstairs the whole time and is absolutely happier. She got considerably taller."
27 March: "T[atiana] came out on to the balcony for 45 minutes."
3 April: "T[atiana] went for a ride in the garden for the first time, and ate with us, too."