beeswax, yum.
ender, when your story's ready, I would really like to read it.
What is is about?
It most likely will be a fanfiction related to a television programme I like very much. However, the main character (the character I'm creating) will have a lot of strange things about her including an obsession with Russian history and an unusual talentfor understanding foreign languages.
The people for whom she works tracks a series of murders to Russia. There's a connection to the deaths of the Royal Family and my character, through a strange chain of events, finds Alexei's necklace...then must figure out what to do with it. Of course she'd like to keep it for herself, but knows she can't. Yet, she doesn't want the government to have it, so she searches out a Romanov family member (not an easy task!) to talk to about the finding.
There's a lot more to the story then that, but that's the part that would be the part that would involve the Romanovs.