Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs
Princess Zenaida and Count Felix - parents of Felix-jr, their family life
::) I'm going to give this a shot because perhaps there is someone who knows more about this than I.
I had once heard a rumor that Xenia's lover who she always noted as "F" in her journals was actually Felix, Princess Yussupovs husband, which would make her Zeneide, Sandro's mistress.
Far fetched I know...but it sound believable at the time.
If this is not true, did she ever at some point has a romantic realtionship with someone besides her husband?
I thought that too but someone told me F was an Englishman. I would like to think it was Sandro. She was his first crush when he was a young boy. She was 5 years older than him and she was married before he ever had a chance to court her. It would be interesting, though scandalous, to image them as lovers, but what a thought!
Another thing about her love life is, as people say with Alix, why didn't she have more children? When I read in Lost Splendor that she was disappointed at Felix being a boy because she'd had 3 boys (2 died as babies :'( ) and wanted a girl badly, and when he was a boy she dressed him as a girl, I had assumed she was older and couldn't have more kids. When I found out she was only 25 when Felix was born, I wondered why she didn't try again, or is that when she and her husband started, um, having seperate quarters, oh never mind, I feel like such a nosey gossip.
Annie---very good observation
She was young when Felix was born, but I have never heard why she never had any more children or if she and her husband had seperate bedrooms but I think it was a lot more often for couples to have seprate rooms back them.
The idea of her and Sandro doesn't seem too far out. I mean Z.Y was very beautiful into her 50's and F's description from Xenia's papers, does seem to match what is known of Felix...but like you said how scandelous it would have been
I suspected they had seperate rooms but it was confirmed looking at the pics posted here, there are seperate pics for her rooms and his. Some were joined by a staircase, and it does not mean they stopped having you know what, I guess it's really none of my beeswax! :-[ I also think because she was slender and an avid dancer perhaps she was afraid of ending up heavy and matronly before her time, again, just guessing. One more guess, she did have trouble having one of the babies who died and was near death when she was miraculously saved by Father John Kronstadt.
As an adjunct to all of this: I have read (I have the information somewhere here in my notes, and can post the details if anyone is interested) that Zenaide's huband Felix actually had a male lover in Moscow named Paul something. When I read that I admit I was pretty shocked and surprised, and not terribly convinced, but apparently this guy's memoirs (Paul) have been published in Russia now and give details.
Greg King
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