Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs

Princess Zenaida and Count Felix - parents of Felix-jr, their family life

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Talk about set the cat amongst the pigeons!  I don't think that I have ever heard that one before.  Greg can you please give us a little more info about this please?
Just imagine, the talk has always been about Felix (jnr)'s sexual proclivities - how ironic!

Holy  :o  :o  :o
Her husband had a male lover????What the...PLEASE post more information on this and what was her reaction to this?

This from the man who told his son he 'wasn't fit to breathe the same air as decent folk' for wearing girls' clothes? Gasp. Is there any more on this?

If he was carrying on with a man, why was he throwing sucha fit with Felix?

If true, this would be yet another case of "Do as I say, not as I do"!

Also--and again, if this is true--he may have been chiding Felix for not being more circumspect, as well as not marrying and begeting an heir.

Once these duties were accomplished, many husbands felt free to do whatever they wanted, with whomever!


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