Well, I think a Ditto is in order, and this isn't about me and you know it.
Dear me... this is entirely about you Jeremy, and your insatiable need to devalue and denigrate me and my work.
However, I decline to have you insert yourself, busy-body-like, into my research, past or present.
No one is attacking you and there is no reason to get defensive .
Let's just say, then, Jeremy, that given your past record with me, that I am cautious enough about you and your agenda to shut you down immediately when you try to intrude in my business.
People here would like to know just what your side of the argument is. So, if you like, feel free to publish your notes for their benefit and interest.
There is no argument here, Jeremy -- except the one you're trying to start between Greg and I and the Kliers.
Now, off you go, and on with whatever "research" you're doing.