"My Spiritual father (now reposed) who was a Hieromonk at Jordanville says it is better to say painting rather than writing an icon, as that reflects the Slavonic better."
I argee. however I spent some time at the monastery of St Anthony in arizona a few years ago and I got the impression that the main Greek Orthodox church (greek archdiocese?) calls it writting an Icon. I said it both ways as to not confuse anyone. I have heard ArchBishop Chrysostomos(of St Gregory of Palamas Monstry, Etna Ca) say it should be refered to as painting as well though, so I wonder if this might have something to do with the calender differences?
"However if we discount all 'modernist' style icons from being icons, there must be 100s if not 100os of Orthodox Churches around the world that have nary a true icon in them."
Im not saying this to offend anyone in anyway, but as far as many churches not having true Icons inside, this is sadly the case. Just to give an example, after my Father graduated seminary, the first church he served Liturgy at had masonic symbols in the icons, along with a full depiction of God in Heaven.