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Being a Gnostic, Rasputin believed that one cannot be cured of sin unless one knows sin. For that reason he advocated drinking, fornication and drug use.
Thanks FA!! I am reading that book now, and I feel like I am reading a tabloid. Is there a thread on the Forum anywhere about what is fact and what is fiction in Radzinsky? I like the book's readability, but dislike the second guessing I have to do while reading it. And is there an "objective" bio of Rasputin? There are a few out there, but want to stick to one rooted in fact. Thanks!!Denise
What do you think about that (it's already quite old)http://www.orthodoxnews.netfirms.com/Orthodox%20Church%20Takes.htmsome pic about this subjectMiracles about this icons (in Russian):http://svpokrov.narod.ru/rasputin/rasputin.htm