And made it about herself:
"The ex-wife of Prince Andrew, the Queen’s second son, told Oprah that not being included "was so difficult. I wanted to be there with my girls and to be getting them dressed and to go as a family. And it was also hard because the last bride up that aisle was me." he Duchess spent the royal wedding day in Thailand out of the media spotlight. She pointed out that while she wasn’t there in person, her ex-husband and daughters spent the morning on the phone with her, and went out of their way to make her feel included. “ [Andrew] was saying, 'It's okay. Just remember we had such a good day. Our wedding was so perfect'. We're such a unit together. He made me feel very part of the day on April the 29th." Though she was hurt, the duchess did admit that "[it] was quite right they didn't invite me.""
""I felt that I ostracised myself by my behaviour, by the past, by living with all the regrets of my mistakes, that I sort of wore a hair shirt and beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did I make such a mistake? Why have I made so many mistakes? "I think what I felt was that I went through the phase of feeling so totally worthless and that [it] was quite right they didn't invite me. Why would they?""