Elizabeth I is definitely my favorite--I am a huge fan of hers!

I also like several of the wives of Henry VIII: Katherine of Aragon (she was a saint to tolerate his behavior!!), I am fascinated by Anne Boleyn, I like Catherine Parr (somehow she reminds me a little of Katherine of Aragon?!), I think Anne of Cleves has been grossly underestimated by history, and I just feel sorry for poor little Catharine Howard. I am
not much of a fan of Jane Seymour--I think she was both mousy and devious--not an appealing combination!!

In spite of a fairly large Scottish ancestry, I have to admit I find Mary Queen of Scots a bore--reading about her generally makes me want to slap her and tell her to behave like a queen, not a lovesick schoolgirl!

(Altho I admit she did die with a great deal of courage--I could never have managed that!)
And I feel so sorry for poor little Lady Jane Grey. A totally innocent victim.