Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families
Tzar Boris III of Bulgaria and his family
--- Quote ---Even if she remained Catholic, she believed equally in both the Catholic and the Orthodox religion. Like I said, Ioanna herself build an Orthodox Church in her home. The name of this Church was “Saint Ivan of Rila”. There were regular masses held by Orthodox Priests in the Church and attended by Ioanna. The Church was not Catholic and you can see the pictures from this Church on the link I posted.
Simeon II have said that his mother wanted to be buried in Bulgaria next to her husband. However, since the body of Boris III was never found Ioanna was buried in Italy.
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One need not be Orthodox to attend an Orthodox liturgy, and likewise, one need not be Roman Catholic to attend a Roman Catholic mass.
I'm sure she was interested in Orthodoxy, and new enough about it, to incorporate a part of Bulgaria in her life, but we know, as already stated, that she remained Catholic.
I think all of the Bulgarian consorts kept their original religion.
Princess Maria Luisa was Catholic. There was just one wedding between Ferdinand I and Maria Luisa, and it was Catholic. When she died she was buried in the Catholic Cathedral in Plovdiv. Pope John Paul II gave mass in this same Cathedral in 2002.
Tsaritsa Eleonora was Protestant. When she married Ferdinand I there were two weddings. One wedding was Catholic because of Ferdinand I and the other wedding was Protestant because of Eleonora. When she died Eleonora was buried in an Orthodox Cemetery next to Boyana Church. Eleonora loved that church and her final wish was to be buried there.
Tsaritsa Ioanna was Catholic. When she married Boris III there were two weddings. One wedding was Catholic because of Ioanna and the other wedding was Orthodox because of Boris III. When she died she wish to be buried next to her husband if his body was found. Because it was not she was buried in Assisi, Italy.
Tsaritsa Margarita is Catholic. When she married Simeon II there were three weddings. One wedding was Catholic because of Margarita, another wedding was Orthodox because of Simeon II and the third wedding was civil.
--- Quote ---I understand that she didn't convert, but not because she was Catholic or even because she was Italian... other Catholics HAVE converted throughout history, haven't they? I just wondered... Will she be interred in Bulgaria or is she to remain in Assisi?
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The point is that she was a SABAUDIAN Princess and no Princess of this House ever converted or changed religion. Princess Giovanna wouldn't have obtained the permission and moreoever she married in 1930 one year after the Concordato with the Catholic Church of Rome.
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--- Quote ---I understand that she didn't convert, but not because she was Catholic or even because she was Italian... other Catholics HAVE converted throughout history, haven't they? I just wondered... Will she be interred in Bulgaria or is she to remain in Assisi?
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The point is that she was a SABAUDIAN Princess and no Princess of this House ever converted or changed religion. Princess Giovanna wouldn't have obtained the permission and moreoever she married in 1930 one year after the Concordato with the Catholic Church of Rome.
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You are right, Tsaritsa Ioanna was most likely Catholic until the day she died. However, even if Princess Giovanna was not officially baptized into the Orthodox religion, it does not mean that she did not practiced it. Tsaritsa Ioanna was married to Boris III who was an Orthodox and spend 16 years in Bulgaria. Her children were also Orthodox. In addition, she did have an Orthodox Chapel build next to her home in Portugal where she attended regular services.
--- Quote ---You are right, Tsaritsa Ioanna was most likely Catholic until the day she died. However, even if Princess Giovanna was not officially baptized into the Orthodox religion, it does not mean that she did not practiced it. Tsaritsa Ioanna was married to Boris III who was an Orthodox and spend 16 years in Bulgaria. Her children were also Orthodox. In addition, she did have an Orthodox Chapel build next to her home in Portugal where she attended regular services.
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I think she was surely fascinated by the richness of the Orthodox Church, and who wouldn't be?
In any case Catholic or Orthodox doesn't mean much. She was just a Christian who had been baptized in the Church of Rome and who was not asked to convert.
She was devoted to the Pope and to Saints who belong traditionally to the Santa Romana Chiesa, but I am sure she had to chance to know the Orthodox Saints and appreciate them and their particular message.
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