I had another Hapsburg dream last night (strange how I've had as many Hapsburg dreams as I have had Romanov dreams in only a third of the time.)
So I was in my math class taking notes. For some reason it was on one of those indoor balcony things with the glass rails, and my math teacher was acting unusually mean. I don't know how, but the next thing I know, Sissi rides in and I guess tells me to hop onto the horse with her in German or some other language. So I get on and we're riding through the woods, and I felt really awkward (because I was squeezing her waist for dear life) and scared (because she was riding so fast and I had to sit side-saddle.) I was screaming for her to slow down, but I guess either she couldn't understand my American accent, or she couldn't hear me. She must have been really annoyed, because I just kept screaming, and she probably couldn't breathe because I was holding her so tight. Then, we were on a balcony at the Schoenbrunn Palace (yes, I know I probably spelled it wrong). Franz Josef was on my right, and Sissi was on my left. It was cloudy, and there was some kind of fighting close by. There was some invisible narrator who had a weird, low voice, like the guy who did the spoken part in Michael Jackson's "Thriller," and he said that there was a war on, and they had burned Vienna. Out of nowhere, a bullet hits Sissi in the right side of her gut, right below the ribcage. I told myself to stay calm because I knew she wasn't supposed to die that way. Then she died. The narrator was going on about how this was the way Sissi of Russia had died. After that. my mom showed up, and as we were walking away, I started to complain about the mistakes the narrator made, as I normally would. She had this look on her face that said "I'm sick of you talking about Sissi," which is actually a lot like my mom, who hates history and would rather go through a book of math problems any day.
This was the clearest dream I've ever had in my life, as I can remember most of what was said, word for word. The strangest thing, however, was that I never saw Sissi's face, because the whole time, she either had a fan in front of it, or she didn't face me. I just knew it was her because of her hair and how skinny she was.