I have been slated in this forum for expressing my views on Alexandra. If one reads everything here that is said about her, it is generally negative. many people glamourise her, because of her tragic end, and compare her to Marie Antoinette. But one gets out of life what you put in. ( Mostly) I dont think these two ladies knew anything about projecting the correct image, or doing what was right for their countries, and rather indulged themselves. I think Alexandra's attitude was that because she was the wife of an Autocrat, chosed by God, she could just lie back on her daybed and make no effort. How wrong she turned out to be.
Queen Mary tolerated Alexandra for family reasons, but was quoted as saying that Alexandra was entirely responsible,single handedly, for the Russian revolution and therefore alll the horrors that followed. ( See James Pope-Hennessy's famous biography of Queen Mary). Furthermore, Queen Mary was quite vocal about her opinions as to the level of Alexandra's intelligence, and competence.
The British Royal family was very critical of the fact that Russia was an Autocracy, and outdated. Queen Mary was very often quoted as saying that she was living in "Modern times", and therefore one had to adapt. Alexandra, having removed herself and her family from the real world,lived in ignorance of what was really happening in her country, and virtually neglected her duties and function as Empress.
I think there are a few reasons for this. She was terrified of the revolutionaries, and withdrew to Tsarskoe to protect her family.
She realised that she was not sophisticated enough to compete with the glamorous and aristocracy of Russia. ( and she was not).
The Russian system should have changed to a democracy in 1905, which was the perfect moment in history I think, to do so. Had she not constantly, and stupidly clung to the outmoded idea that her husband hang on to being an Autocrat, in order to pass it on to their heir, things may have ended differently. Yes there were many other contributing factors as well, but many of these were aggravated by the archaic ideas of both nicholas and Alexandra.
I dont dislike Alexandra, she was a good mother, and nobody deserves to end your life like she did.
I tend to agree with Queen Mary though, and I dont think she was alone in her opinions of Alexandra either. Queen Mary's commitment to her Royal duties, are today reflected in Queen Elizabeth ll, and her mother, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
One has the greatest respect for them.