Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Other Palaces

Imperial houses in Poland: Spala, Skierniewice, Bialowieza

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James Nicolas:
Is the Spala Hunting Lodge still intact ?

Who owns it ?

What is its history since the Revolution ?

Your insites are welcomed

I think that the site of the Spala  hunting lodge is now a sports' camp.  There is a site that seems to talk about it but it is in Polish.  www.spala.pl  Also I read somewhere that at the outbreak of WW1 all important items were removed ahead of the German armies.

David Newell:
Spala Hunting Lodge was destroyed by the Germans in 1944 nothing remains, except some ancillary buildings

--- Quote ---Is the Spala Hunting Lodge still intact ?

Who owns it ?

What is its history since the Revolution ?

Your insites are welcomed

--- End quote ---

James Nicolas:
Thanks david,

that is a shame.

Do you have further information as to why it was destroyed ?

I believe I read somewhere that it was occupied by high Nazi officials during the war, but could have confused that with Bielovyezhe.


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