In the time of G.D. George, Abbas Tuman was associated with tuberculosis isolation, and I believe still is.
In addition to the "Palace" of George, there is also the Dacha of his sister G.D, Xenia, who was very fond of George and would go there to visit. I have pictures of its current state, including of Xenia's Dacha. I am not sure I could scan them to post, but I might try some day.
In addition, there is a beautiful (in the ROC sense) Chappel that I think was dedicated by G.D George. we have a picture of the dedication tablet (and some of the Chappel ).
We also had a picture of the remains of the memorial monument at the site where George died. The Monument was pilferd (destroyed) to create one for a local politico in the Soviet day.
It has also been reported, and seems correct that G.D. George did marry (probably a Dane) who bore twin children (a boy and a girl who were raised in Dennmark and within the circle of the Danish House) born just after his death. It does not appear that the girl ("Alexi" now dec'd) had any children, but the son (educated in England and lost during the Dunkirk rescues) has one surviving son.
As was the custom, I believe they took the family name of "Alexandrov." That survivor was at the interment ceremonies for the Imperial Family, with the Romanov family. So, I don't think he is totally unknown.
Even today, Abbas Tuman is probaly not a healthy place to sojourn.
R. Richard Schweitzer