From page 3...
TatianaZ- Those are so nice! I love the one of Olga and Tatiana in regimental uniforms ü
Katenka- Amazing ones! I love that one of Irene ü
Justine- So adorable colorised photos! Thanks for the b&w's a zillion times! I love the one of Alix in reply #51 ü
Erika- That's so nice that you don't have to re-do it! Love that one ü
Lynn- The colors are perfect, very cool to the eyes. I love that one of OTM ü
Jennifer- I don't hate any of your colored pics. I love them! I love that one of Nicky and Alix ü
Ally-Glad you still have the internet connection while you're studying! Astonishing ones, especially that of the Little pair in reply #55 ü
Aglaya- You do so great works! I love that one of KR's children ü
Elizie- That one of OTMA is so brilliant! Please colour anything! ü
Magdalena- You do a wonderful job! The one of Minnie is so beautiful! ü
Mine is duh...