Author Topic: Letters from Ella to Wilhelm  (Read 5118 times)

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Letters from Ella to Wilhelm
« on: August 01, 2017, 07:12:13 AM »
Here are all the letters I found from Ella to Wilhelm in chronological order, a few more than I posted before:

November 22 1870
Dear Willy,
Victoria and Irene and I are all very well and Grosmama and Grospapa too. Is Mama better? And Baby? How is your Mama and baby Sophie? Our best wishes for her birthday. We heard of Papa’s getting the Iron Cross and were very glad. I hope you and Harry are well. I have the shell you gave me. Good-bye,
Your loving cousin Ella

January 24, 1873
Dear Willy,
I hope you get this for the 27th. Many happy returns. I send you a little drawing I did which I thought you would like. Mama and Papa and sisters send their love and best wishes for your birthday.
Your loving cousin Ella

February 1876
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for your dear letter and the book and flower. I hope your leg is better. The little bird is very pretty. I hope we will see you and Harry soon again. We are all very well. Mama and Papa and Sisters all send their love and many kisses XXX
Your very loving cousin, Ella

December 15 1877
Dearest Willy,
We are here in Potsdam and we miss you and Harry very much. Yesterday we got the new volume about Grandpapa, Mama and your Mama have taken turns reading aloud from it. I remember you telling your memory of him and how I wish we could have known him. We shall be very glad to have you coming again after not seeing you the last months. The little ones are rushing about and playing and making such noise I cannot write more. Little May runs about waving her arms like she wants to fly. All send their love and many kisses XXX
I miss You.
Your very loving cousin Ella

March 15 1878
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for the book I just received. I was sorry you had stopped just at that spot and wished for you to go on. I shall read it myself now and enjoy it very much. But did Harry get to hear it? It was Grandmama’s present for him, I shall send it back if he has not tho I do not like to have to do so.
I send you what I was painting – tho’ it is not half so good and pretty as I should have liked. My foot is much better and I was up a little today. Mama says Grosmama is much better.
In three weeks it will be 3 years since – you remember in April 75?
Your very loving cousin, Ella

April 7 1878
Darling Willy,
I found what you left in the book and it is so sweet – I must write to you tho I do not have much to say and we only said good-bye two hours ago. Yes in 73 is when – I don’t know if I should write it here –I shall just say that I would be able to say the same as you did in your note, as much as a child could, since I was only 8 then. I think of the Hothouse – of M 9th & of the 5th & the 5th 3 years ago – when you first said something and the first
XXX Your Loving Ella

April 20 1878
Darling Willy,
You come this time on Mama’s birthday I think?  So you will be here 4 days this time and 2 times this month. Mama has not been well again, I hope she will be better soon. We shall not have the things like last year as Mama is not well. I got your poem - it is very sweet. I send you a flower from the back of the H- - h - - -e – you know where.
I miss you. A loving k- - -, your Ella