As much as I loath school, I'm hopelessly bored without it. My social life is lame and limited to a bunch of friends who aren't to big about actually interacting by using the phone, going over to each other's homes, and I must say we have way too few sleep-overs, much less random celebrations. We've forgotten how to be teens! Can anyone help me get over my goofiness/weirdness? I need to expand my social life badly, but everyone thinks I'm so dorky and it doesn't help that I'm clumsy in my actions and speech. That's why you guys are awsome. I write better than I speak.
But keeping to the topic, i think I'll make a Twitter for other random royalty and look into Myspace. Maybe my garage band can have one after all. (Along with an accurate, publicly accessible Alix profile. I swear, they all either have way too many errors on them, or you have to be a friend to see it. I'm sorry if one of you guys made them...)