Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs

Yusupov videos/documentaries

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Тайные знаки. Серебряный кубок
Secret sign. The silver cup.

This is a documentry I stumbled upon the other night. It's about the curse which has haunted the Yusupov family for several generations. I was hoping someone may be able to translate it for me or at least break down any new/valuable information. It has some great photos.

You know I've not found the documentary too much exciting. The tenuous plot of it is twisting around a strange goblet which brought ill-luck to the Yusupov family, as if the goblet was a reason of the ill-fate of all Yusupov offsprings...I even had no patience to watch the documentary till the end.

Our Russian TV-channel TV-3 (which produced the doc.) is famous for its "mystical" orientation and such "thrillers".

That's odd, I mean about the goblet being the cause for the Yusupov curse. Very strange but I guess they were seeking to add more thrill to the tale?...Still thank you for helping me understand more as to what it was about.


Felix and Irina Interview in J'ai tuĂ© Raspoutine / I Killed Rasputin  1967 film. In French but there's Russian translation over most of the view.

I was unaware of that particular site.  It has some great videos about the Yosupov family..  Well worth watching.


That's the link.

Thank you.


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