Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Other Palaces
Gatchina Palace
Alexandre Mikhaelovitch:
News from Paul Gilbert's blog , Royal Russia :
Gatchina Palace to Open Four New Halls in 2016 (includes Chesme gallery and Greek gallery) : http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ImperialRussian/blog/index.blog/1457283/gatchina-palace-to-open-four-new-halls-in-2016/
brnbg aka: liljones1968:
--- Quote from: Svetabel on November 29, 2005, 03:29:51 AM ---Here is the Arsenal Room on the ground floor. It's named "Hall " in the floorplan that Brian had posted.
--- End quote ---
wow....that was a looooong time ago, wasn't it? :-)
Parades and Picnics at Gatchina Palace 1898
Nicholas II, Alexandra and others prepare the picnic food. Simply Delicious!
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