I"m still looking though CZ's book, but she did say that Leopold was also given a pair of hand-coloured photographs of little Fritzie of Hesse in a double frame and he derived much pleasure from them. Also he was godfather to both Frittie and May?
p.71: They 'tried to draw Leopold closer to their family by inviting him to be godfather to their baby son, the child Alice was expecting...'
p.72: 'We have added dear Leopold's name to the others' Alice told the Queen when the baby was christened, 'as all his sad lfie, and the anxiety his health has so often caused us all, endear him particularly.' No novelist could have devised so sharp an irony as this, for unknown to them all, little Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse would be the 2nd member of his family to have haemophilia....[Leopold would become] particularly attached to his little godson...and Leopold delighted in making a pet of him.
p.93 {news of F's hemophilia} Leo writes to Alice on 11 May 1873 (days before F's death) 'I hope my godson is keeping well, and not having any more bruises, and in every way unlike his Godfather, except in being very fond of you and Louis.'
p.93 [at F's death] 'How can I express my deep sorrow for you...he was always my especial pet and I was very fond of him, poor child.' Alice sent him a photograph of the dead child, surrounded with flowers, and a lock of fine, fair hair, a 'last souvenir of his precious godchild.' He kept them the rest of his life.
p.99: for Christmas 1873, Alice sent him a bust of little Fritzie, and his heart went out to her, 'you could not have given me anything which I should have liked better, or more prized & valued. It is such a dear, sweet & innocent little countenance, that I cannot help saying to myself that is perhaps as well that the dear child has been spared all the trials & possibly miseries of a life of ill health like mine...Oh dear Alice, I know too well what it is to suffer as he would have suffered & the great trial of not being able to enjoy life or to know what happiness is, like others.' His anger [at previous remarks of it being for the best for Frittie] had passed, leaving deep depression. [CZ doesn't note artist of bust]