YKYOWTRW your watching a doco on women who keep getting pregnant or try to get pregnant wanting a child of one sex and you think of Alix.
I recently watched a doco called "8 boys and wanting a girl" which followed four women who have mulitple boys, some have four, five or six while one woman had eight sons.
The women talk about the pain of not having a little girl. Seeing them so sad about what fate has given them it made me want to reach out and hug.
One scene showed a woman being optimistic about her 20 week scan to find out the sex of her baby. She crossed fingers it was a girl, while her husband and her dad believed that baby was a boy. I think seeing her finding out it was a boy and watching her breakdown at finding out it was another boy made me think of Alix when she found out it was another girl when she gave birth to Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia.