One of the points which emerged from the examination of the remains, as recorded in FOTR was the awful state of Nicholas's teeth. The state of one's teeth is not simply a matter of diet and how often one goes to the dentist. I grew up with parents who were very serious about teeth-cleaning and no sweets between meals, and going to the dentist regularly. Guess what - my remaining natural teeth are all filled and I have quite a few missing. My theory is that people start off with basically sound teeth or not. Basically sound teeth will survive a certain amount of abuse (it's like people such as Winston Churchill, who smoke and still live to be 90!). Basically non-sound teeth can be prevented from being worse than they have to be by sensible eating, regular cleaning and regular treatment, but will never become good teeth.
I think Nicholas started out with basically non-sound teeth, and did himself absolutely no favours by avoiding the dentist!
Arthur N David records that when he first treated him the Kaiser's teeth needed quite a lot of work, but he was subsequently a regular visitor to his surgery - about 100 times in 12 years, which averages out at once every six weeks. Davis, however, says very little about the actual treatment (patient confidentiality).