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Chris Snyder:
Does anyone know if the summer house of the Dowager Empress Marie and her sister Alexandra is still standing, or who may own it?  It was in Denmark and called Hviodore.

It was sold some time ago and is in private hands.  Maybe someone can tell us more.


Nick Nicholson:

According to the late Alexander Romanov, Hvidore was sold through great difficulty (it was jointly owned by GDsses Olga and Xenia, and the British Royal Family) and has passed through many hands.  He had heard that the house had been altered beyond recognition on the inside (this was in 1996.)


Hvidore was sold in July, 1929 to Jacob Koefoed, a former wine merchant, while the contents has been sold at auction a few months earlier.  At one time it served as a clinic.  Now it serves as a conference center for the Novo-Nordsik Pharmaceutical Company.  Not a lot remains inside of the original layout-the rooms are largely still there, and there are some architectural details, but substantial changes have been made.  In the last few years (perhaps as many as 6-8, I can't recall) there were several articles by Coryne Hall, published in "Royalty Digest," that contained a number of photographs of the rooms as used by the Dowager Empress and Queen Alexandra.  And in the October, 2003 issue of "Majesty Magazine," Coryne also wrote about the house, and the article contains a number of photographs showing the Dowager Empress's rooms.

Greg King

Chris Snyder:
Thanks alot Greg for all of this information!  I am glad to hear that the last residence of the Dowager Empress is still standing.  Do you know how I might go about getting the publications you mentioned?  I am very curious to see additional photos.  I have seen only a few of them so far and the house looked just lovely, so I would like to see more.


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