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Since this is a thread about Hviodore,  there is this new book called  "HVIDØRE - A Royal Retreat".  The authors are Coryne Hall and Senta Driver
It is a beautiful book, with wonderful photos of both Marie Feodorovna and Queen Alexandras and their private villa in Denmark!

HVIDØRE - A Royal Retreat by Coryne Hall & Senta Driver

Why did Queen Alexandra and her sister, the Dowager Empress, decide to buy a private villa in Denmark, and what were the circumstances that forced the exiled Empress to make it her new home? Coryne Hall tells the fascinating story of two famous sisters and their Royal Retreat. Magnificent original illustrations from a private collection.

In 1906 Queen Alexandra of Great Britain and her sister, the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna of Russia purchased Hvidøre, a villa on the Danish coast, as their private home. Until 1914, the sisters visited the property every autumn, entertaining friends and many royal relatives in an informal atmosphere. It was indeed a royal retreat.

The First World War put an end to these happy times but in 1919, now exiled from Russia, the Dowager Empress Marie made the villa her home and Hvidøre became her Court in exile. In 1920 she was joined by her daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna and her family, who all lived at Hvidøre, not always happily, until the Empress's death in 1928.

Hvidøre: A Royal Retreat tells the story of the purchase, renovation, the many royal visitors and finally the sale of this forgotten royal home. This beautiful and informative book is filled with magnificent original photographs from a private collection. 100 Black & White Photographs


Michael HR:
It is still there. Was there 18 months ago but cold only see the outside. A lovely building indeed.

kolia van ginneken:

--- Quote from: Chris Snyder on February 09, 2004, 07:43:45 PM ---Does anyone know if the summer house of the Dowager Empress Marie and her sister Alexandra is still standing, or who may own it?  It was in Denmark and called Hviodore.

Hviodore  still   stands   and   belongs  to   a   compagnie    now    rather   sad    they   should     have   made   a   museum   out   of   it    .  I   think   olga   sold   it  before  the  war
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--- Quote ---Hvidøre in the past

Hvidøre was built by the Danish architect Johan Schröder as a summer residence for the counsellor F C Bruun. In 1906 the Queen Alexandra of England and the Empress Dowager Dagmar of Russia bought Hvidøre.

Alexandra and Dagmar stayed at Hvidøre every year in September and October until the First World War broke out and the transport from England and Russia became too dangerous.

In 1919 Dagmar escaped from Russia. In the beginning she stayed at the Amalienborg Palace, later she moved to Hvidøre when the house was renovated and suitable for use throughout the year. Dagmar’s daughter the Grand Duchess Olga later came to Hvidøre together with her husband, Nicholas Kulikovsky, and their two sons, Guri and Tihon. Dagmar died at Hvidøre in 1928.

After this Hvidøre had a changeable period with different owners until 1937 when the two brothers and founders of 'Novo Terapeutisk Laboratorium', Harald and Thorvald Pedersen, bought the house. Hvidøre was now converted into a diabetes hospital and opened on 28 January 1938. At the hospital people with diabetes could get treatment and learn to live with their disease and have an active life. The hospital could accommodate 25 patients. The price of the treatment was DKK 6 per day, which later was reduced to DKK 4 per day.

In 1989 'Novo Industri' and 'Nordisk Gentofte' merged into 'Novo Nordisk A/S'. The hospital at Hvidøre was merged with 'Niels Steensens Hospital' (later 'Steno Diabetes Center'), as these buildings were up-to-date.

After a thorough renovation Hvidøre opened again on 16 August 1993 as an internal conference centre for the Novo Group’s employees and guests.
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