Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Other Palaces


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To Chris Snyder re. the magazines: -

both these publications have websites:


www.picrare.com for Royalty Digest.

I don't subscribe to either since royalty generally isn't really my "thing", but I've heard nothing but excellent reports of Royalty Digest - and both magazines do back issues, I think, with contact details on the websites



You say that the Dowager Empress owned Hvidore together with her sister Queen Alexandra.

Did they inherit it from their parents or what else caused that?


--- Quote ---You say that the Dowager Empress owned Hvidore together with her sister Queen Alexandra. Did they inherit it from their parents or what else caused that?
--- End quote ---

I have always read that the sisters purchased the house together, so it was not an inheritance. As to the history of the house and who they purchased it from, I don't have any details.

kirsten blæsborg:
I know abourt Hvidøre, and it is still standing indeed!
I live in Copenhagen not far from Hvidøre and I think it is now a clinic for diabetics.
Kirsten Blæsborg

Maybe we can find a volunteer to write a page for us on Hviodore?



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