Author Topic: Gunshot survival question  (Read 2896 times)

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Offline amartin71718

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Gunshot survival question
« on: February 01, 2010, 05:14:03 PM »
I had no idea where to put this question, so I decided to place it here because it sort of deals with the final days of the IF. Ok, here goes. I'm compiling information for a fanfic I'm trying to write and I was wondering this: What was the liklihood of surviving a gunshot wound to the chest, abdomen, etc? What sort of complications would arise? How risky would surgery be? If any of the moderators know of a better suited place for this topic, feel free to move it.
I'm back on my bull****.

Student of History

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Re: Gunshot survival question
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 05:30:23 PM »
Perhaps you could seek advice from a doctor/ emergency medical professional/coroner. I would imagine survival/extend of injury would depend on a number of factors which would include:weapon used,calibre of bullet, angle,distance of shooter from intended target, health of victim, weather any major arteries were hit, access to medical attention/triage, knowledge of attending,exposure to disease/infection...etc...
Good luck with your book.

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Gunshot survival question
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 05:45:26 PM »
In addition to the factors that "Student of History" relates, one must also consider the potential "secondary" internal wounds inflicted by the fragmentation/displacement of the skeletal components being shattered by the bullets' paths.  A somewhat messy business.   AP
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 05:52:43 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »