Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Palaces in Moscow

Ilinskoye, estate of GD Sergei Alexandrovitch

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Does anyone have any idea what happened to Illinskoye?  

I know that after Elizabeth took the veil and gave up her posessions, she left the Sergeievsky Palace (formerly the Belosselsky-Belozersky Palace) to Dimitri Pavlovitch, and that she also left Illinskoye to him as well.

After the Revolution, does anyone know what became of it?  It was a wooden palace -- was it destroyed by Stalin in the expansion of Moscow?  Any floor plans?  Pictures?



--- Quote ---Does anyone know was there an actual Illinskoje station, or have any descriptions?
--- End quote ---

If you mean railway station, there has never been one. The nearest station is Pavshino (from Moscow's Rizhsky station), serving the town of Krasnogorsk of which Ilyinskoye is now part.

brnbg aka: liljones1968:
i came across this link, just a few minutes ago.   it seems to imply the palace is still standing..... the estate is now called "Ilichevo" & the palace is a boarding house of some sort.     but i can't seem to find any present-day photos.... :-/

this is the first i've heard of this....am i just late in getting the info?   (ie: has everyone heard already heard this?)    

any more info, either way?


--- Quote ---.   it seems to imply the palace is still standing.?
--- End quote ---

All Russian sources indicate that the mansion was burnt in 1917. The whole area is heavily guarded and inaccessible for casual visitors - exactly like in the Soviet times.

Brian is right.. The web site says  "After Lenin's visit they changed its name to Ilyichowo, in the 40's  country houses for party  leaders were arranged there and nowadays Ilyichowo turned into a boarding house that  had preserved the athmosphere tsar gandeur and the whole beauty of  Russian nature"...  
They are talking about it like if it is still there...
Anyone has visited the area or knows anything about it???


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